Bombay Fire Safety Supplies various types of Safety Product Range to Cater Different Applications. Our markets comprises of both End Users i.e our esteemed Customers and Traders i.e our valued Dealers whom we service as per their needs in all corners of the country. If we look at the larger segments then it includes Industrial houses in Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Fertilizers, Nuclear Power, Refineries, Pharmaceuticals, Metal and Rolling Mills, Textile Industry, Food and Beverages, Telecom both Government and Private operators etc just to name a few where as on the other hand we cater to Government both State and Central, Science and Space segments, Defence, Para Military, Police and Civil Defence including essential Services like the Municipal Corporations, Fire Brigade, Sewage, Water Works and Forestry etc.

Construction industries


Automobille work shop

Cement industries

Chemical industries

Paper industries

Pharmaceutical industry

Steel industries